Company registration in Hungary

Company registration in Hungary

Hungary has the lowest corporate tax in all of Europe, since the corporate tax rate is only 9 %. This is often quoted as the main reason for Hungary being one of the leading choices for attracting foreign investment in Europe, together with the extensive network of double tax treaties. That foreigners can own 100 % of the shares in a Hungary Limited Liability Company, or LLC. This is often not possible in other jurisdictions, where local ownership or partnership is required.

Price: 3815 Euro +100 Euro for sending documents

Details for Company registration in Hungary

  • Annual renewal of the company - 3 565€
  • Notarization of Power of Attorney for registering a company remotely - yes
  • Termination – 2 weeks

Required documents for Company registration in Hungary

Documents required from the director:

  1. two different samples of identity documents (for example, Foreign passport / internal passport / driver’s license/ ID card)
  2. confirmation of the director’s address (utility bill / bank statement / document from a government agency) not older then 3 month

All documents must be translated into English and notarized (with the translation of the notarization itself)

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*not included documents delivery

About offer

Included in the price:

The cost of company registration includes:

  • Company registration with an account in a Hungarian bank (for the deposit of the share capital
  • registered address, basic postal services for 1 year
  • Local delivery agent and company maintenance for 1 year.

Cost of bookkeeping – 280-700 EUR/month depending on volume

Taxation will be as follows:

9 %


depending on the turnover

Price (not included documents delivery)

From 3,815€

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