Incorporation IBC in Bahamas

Incorporation IBC in Bahamas

*not included documents delivery

Short Brief

The Bahamas has a very favourable tax regime. There is no tax on personal income, capital gains, value added, gifts and inheritance. The Bahamas also does not has a corporate tax if the income comes from outside the country. There is no need for minimum capital to register an international business company (IBC) in the Bahamas. There is no requirement for the IBC to have a number of directors and the directors must not be resident in the country. The IBC in the Bahamas can hold shares of different classes as required by the customer, and these shares can be held in any currency. The director benefits from the limitation of statutory liability, but this should not in any way threaten the rights of shareholders.

Price: 5505 Euro +100 Euro for sending documents

Incorporation IBC in Bahamas service included in the price:

  • Professional Services rendered with respect to the Incorporation of the Company under the Provisions of the IBC Act.
  • Maintaining Registered Office, providing Registered Agent and maintaining the statutory
  • Records.
  • Professional Services with respect to providing a Company Seal.
  • Name Reservation
  • Incorporation filing fees
  • Certified copies of M&A
  • Share Certificate
  • fee to the government
  • registered office services for 1 year
  • Total disbursements during incorporation process

Taxation will be as follows:

The Bahamas does not has a corporate tax if the income comes from outside the country.


depending on the turnover

Details for Incorporation IBC in Bahamas

  • Annual renewal of the company - 2500€
  • Notarization of Power of Attorney for registering a company remotely - yes
  • Termination – 1,5 weeks

Required documents for Incorporation IBC in Bahamas

For the directors and officers:

  • Completed client profile form;
  • Certified copy of passport;
  • Certified utility bill (proof of address)
  • (based on the activity of the company – a bank reference and character reference letter may be requested)

For the shareholders (individual);

  • Completed client profile form;
  • Certified copy of passport;
  • Certified utility bill (proof of address);
  • Bank reference letter; and
  • Character reference letter

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