Company registration in British Columbia, Canada

Company registration in British Columbia, Canada

Canada is a country of high international standing. When wishing to register an offshore company in British Columbia, bear in mind that there are no residency requirements for directors, shareholders or the nationality of the secretary. Registering a company in British Columbia involves giving the firm a name and registered office and requires the filing of information on the directors (excluding the owner). It must also have a certain type and description of structure. Our experts can help you with all the details of the paperwork.

Price: 2100 euros + 100 euros for sending documents

Details for Company registration in British Columbia, Canada

  • Annual renewal of the company - 1400€
  • Notarization of Power of Attorney for registering a company remotely - yes
  • Termination – If you choose expedited name approval, it takes 1 business day to register your company. business day. Second option: once your name is approved (this can take anywhere from 5 to 10 days depending on the registry and time of year), we can registration.

Required documents for Company registration in British Columbia, Canada

  • A copy of a valid passport (pages with photo and signature).
  • Copy of one of the following: utility bill, bank statement or credit card statement, no older than 3 months.
  • Completed and signed business description form.
  • Completed and signed declaration form.
  • All documents must be in English or accompanied by certified
  • English translations.
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*not included documents delivery

About offer

Included in the price:

What’s included: Minimum authorized capital, physical office, local director, bank account.

Taxation will be as follows:

The tax rate is 27%


depending on the turnover

Price (not included documents delivery)

From 2,100€

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