Company registration in Malta

Company registration in Malta

Taxation Benefits.
Low Incorporation and Maintenance Costs.
Exemption from Duty on Documents.
Double Taxation Treaties signed.
Capital Gains Tax

Price: 3 775 Euro +100 Euro for sending documents

Details for Company registration in Malta

  • Annual renewal of the company - 2800€
  • Notarization of Power of Attorney for registering a company remotely - yes
  • Termination – 1,5 weeks

Required documents for Company registration in Malta

  1. a notarized international passport (with a translation of the notary’s certification into English)
  2. confirmation of the address of residence
  • or an internal passport with a residence permit (fully translated into English and certified)
  • or a bank statement indicating residence (translation into English and notarized)
  • or a utility bill indicating residence (with translation and certified)
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*not included documents delivery

About offer

Included in the price:
  • Accessibility check for three names of your choice
  • Drafting of Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association
  • Application to the Malta Financial Services Authority
  • Payment of MFSA taxes **
  • Register Shareholders and Directors
  • Notary fees
  • Registration fees
Taxation will be as follows:



depending on the turnover

Price (not included documents delivery)

From 3,775€

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